Patchouli Essential Oil


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3 in stock


Charisse Essential Oil – 15ml

Made in Australia

OVER $60 value we will SEND FREE to Sunshine Coast Region.

Wellbeing: Calming in low doses, yet refreshing in high doses.  The aroma may be a little persisent for some people.

Body: The aroma may curb appetite.  Also provides relief for the digestive discomfort associated with constipation and flatulence.  May soothe bronchial irritation.

Skin: Its antifungal properties are beneficial in the treatment of acne and tinea.  Antiseptic properties helpful in the treatments of skin irritations and abrasions.  Useful for treating warts and corns and soothes eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, sunburn and allergies.

Introducing Aromatherapy by Margrit Bachmann