Tuesday Golf Program
Location: Glenview Par 3 Golf Course (full details provided when you join)
GPAI Athlete Application Form 2024
Arrive no earlier than 3:45pm as program is delivered on private property.
- Register by 4pm
- Warm up begins at around 4:10pm
- On course until 5:30pm
- Presentation commences around 5:45pm (approx. 40 minutes duration)
Special Olympics athletes are required to provide their SOMS details and must be financial to commence with GPAI golf programs. From January 2022, it is a requirement for all Special Olympics Athletes to have a GPAI Membership, this is to cover other events and other opportunities available to our golf athletes. Cost is $4.40 including GST annual renewal.
All GPAI non-Special Olympics athletes are required to complete an athlete application form and first interview with PGA Professional Darrell Dalton. Costs are as follows…
- GPAI Annual Athlete Membership – $55.00 (January to December – no pro rata)
- GPAI Annual Athlete Membership SOMS Registered – $33.00 (January – December)
- GPAI Athlete Shirt (One Style) – $49.95
- Weekly Golf Program – $30.00 (No GST) per attendance