Inter-Club Golf Competition

17 March, 2024 all-day
Coolangatta and Tweed Heads Golf Club
Soorley Street
Tweed Heads South

Athletes from the GPAI Golf Program will need to travel individually to this tournament on the Gold Coast.

An invitation is extended to all Special Olympics Athletes, affiliate athletes and families to participate in the upcoming Special Olympics Queensland Inter-Club Golf to be held on 17 March at the Coolangatta and Tweed Heads Golf Club.

Please read the nomination form carefully as it contains important information, including where to send the forms once they are completed. Please ensure you are also a currently registered athlete You will notice that this is a qualifying competition for selection for the State Games this year. We will be sending out further information on the rules for qualification for the State Games soon.

Kathleen Tennent & Terry Price
State Golf Coordinators
Special Olympics Queensland

Gold Coast – Coolangatta Golf Nomination Form